Introduction: Mumps Virus (MuV) is the member of the genus Rubulavirus in the Paramyxoviridae family. The MuV genome
is a non-segmented single-stranded negative RNA. It is a type of acute respiratory infectious disease that is
prevalent worldwide. The inflammation and swelling of the parotid glands are the main clinical features of MuV
infection, but the virus can also injure many internal organs and the CNS and can cause the emergence of a
variety of clinical manifestations, including pancreatitis, orchitis, deafness, sterile meningitis, encephalitis, and
other complications. It is transmitted through respiratory droplets. The Median incubation period is 19 days
ranging (15-24 days), with a serial interval of around 20 days. It can be isolated from 7 days before to 9 days
after onset of symptoms.

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